Sunday, April 19, 2009

Awaken Your Soul To The Law of Attraction

There are 11 Forgotten laws that work together to govern the law of attraction. Many people are not aware of them, but they are working to bring harmony or discord into people's lives. Those that understand the 11 Forgotten laws are in a positive vibration which draws good things and people into their lives.

You've heard of The Secret but you may not know the 11 Forgotten Laws. Two of these are the Law of Sacrifice and the Law of Resistance.

The Law of Sacrifice tells us that by giving up something now, we create space in our lives for something better in the future. This isn't about depriving yourself or living a life of poverty. It might be about dedicating extra time to a business so that you have wealth in the future. Or here's a better example. Suppose that you are involved in a relationship with someone that is negative. You might have a boyfriend or girlfriend with whom you always fight with. 

By sacrificing that relationship, you create space in your life for a new relationship that will be better. In contrast by not applying the Law of Sacrifice you continue to devote energy to a negative situation. 

That isn't to say that relationships can't be improved or worked on. This is just an example of how the Law of Sacrifice might be applied. 

The Law of Resistance is an important law. People tend to fight negative events or situations. Its our natural inclination. But fighting something negative only gives energy to it. As Bob Proctor says, "that which you resist persists". To get rid of a negative situation, simply let it go.

I once had  a friend who I had a conflict with, and she stopped contacting me. I kept thinking about it and trying to resolve the situation, but months went by and I didn't hear from her. Then I decided to simply let it go. I completely forgot about the situation and stopped devoting negative energy to it. Then one day out of the blue, so to speak, she called me to say hello. 

These examples show why the law of attraction doesn't work for everyone. They are focused on the law of attraction and trying to visualize what they want in their life. But failing to apply the 11 Forgotten laws, they unconsciously devote negative energy to their situation. Then the law of attraction ends up not working the way they would like. 

For more information about the 11 Forgotten laws, please visit 

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