Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cosmic Healing iPhone Meditation app

Cosmic healing is a new iPhone app designed to help you enhance meditation and relaxation. Four videos, each with stunning imagery of the sun, earth, moon, and stars, help guide you into a meditative state. Each slide show is accompanied by beautiful relaxing music guaranteed to promote rest and tranquility. A great sleeping aide that not only helps you relax, but helps promote lucid dreaming, sleep, meditation, development of inner wisdom, inspires inner creativity and healing energy.

Available now on iTunes. Search for Cosmic Healing or Bluewater Publishing. 

Here are three sample video clips.

Here is a second sample:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Awaken Your Soul To The Law of Attraction

There are 11 Forgotten laws that work together to govern the law of attraction. Many people are not aware of them, but they are working to bring harmony or discord into people's lives. Those that understand the 11 Forgotten laws are in a positive vibration which draws good things and people into their lives.

You've heard of The Secret but you may not know the 11 Forgotten Laws. Two of these are the Law of Sacrifice and the Law of Resistance.

The Law of Sacrifice tells us that by giving up something now, we create space in our lives for something better in the future. This isn't about depriving yourself or living a life of poverty. It might be about dedicating extra time to a business so that you have wealth in the future. Or here's a better example. Suppose that you are involved in a relationship with someone that is negative. You might have a boyfriend or girlfriend with whom you always fight with. 

By sacrificing that relationship, you create space in your life for a new relationship that will be better. In contrast by not applying the Law of Sacrifice you continue to devote energy to a negative situation. 

That isn't to say that relationships can't be improved or worked on. This is just an example of how the Law of Sacrifice might be applied. 

The Law of Resistance is an important law. People tend to fight negative events or situations. Its our natural inclination. But fighting something negative only gives energy to it. As Bob Proctor says, "that which you resist persists". To get rid of a negative situation, simply let it go.

I once had  a friend who I had a conflict with, and she stopped contacting me. I kept thinking about it and trying to resolve the situation, but months went by and I didn't hear from her. Then I decided to simply let it go. I completely forgot about the situation and stopped devoting negative energy to it. Then one day out of the blue, so to speak, she called me to say hello. 

These examples show why the law of attraction doesn't work for everyone. They are focused on the law of attraction and trying to visualize what they want in their life. But failing to apply the 11 Forgotten laws, they unconsciously devote negative energy to their situation. Then the law of attraction ends up not working the way they would like. 

For more information about the 11 Forgotten laws, please visit 

Friday, April 10, 2009

More Guidance For The Universal Law of Attraction

A couple of years ago, everyone was jazzed about a movie that was making its way through the landscape called "The Secret". Based on the book by the same name authored by Rhonda Byrne, the movie proposed a concept that positive thinking attracts positive energy from out in the universe to produce good results in your life, while negative thinking did the reverse. This is called the "universal law of attraction". 

The movie made it sound pretty simple. Visualize a sports car long enough, and pretty soon you'll have it. But as most of us know, that is a pretty simplistic view of wishful thinking-even if most of us admit that the universal law of attraction is real. This feeling has been confirmed by the results of a recent survey.

Some 7,190 people participated in a survey about the universal law of attraction and what they thought about it. First, is it working for people? The survey results broke down like this:

  • 838 people reported that it never works
  • 445 people said it worked once
  • 3,681 people said it works some of the time
  • 1,352 people said it works most of the time
  • 874 people say it always works
These survey results are interesting-they point to the power of positive thinking. That's because for most people the law is working at least some of the time. So it would seem most of us can acknowledge that the law of universal attraction is real. And really, its always working. Its even working for the people who report it "never" works-its just working in the opposite way to what they want because they're plagued by negative thinking.

Respondents were then asked the following question: "Do you believe that the Law of Attraction is enough to reach your goals, or do you feel that there are other elements, concepts, and techniques that need to be complemented in tandem with the Law of Attraction before you can see real, accelerated results?"

56.05% of people said Yes, but 43.95% said that while the universal Law of Attraction is crucial, it is not enough on its own. As one person said, they would like more understanding and they feel that the details are missing.

That intuition is correct. Experts who've been studying the universal Law of Attraction for many years, including Bob Proctor who appeared in the movie "The Secret", say that there are other "laws" that should be applied to get the most out of the secret. To get consistent results, you have to apply the all of these laws in your daily life. 

Read more about the 11 forgotten laws

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Manifest The Secret with Binaural Frequency Harmonics

Why are Binaural Frequency Harmonics, using sound waves to tap into everything from "The Secret" to Christ Consciousness to Telepathy, The Best Selling Meditation tools In Internet History, With Thousands Of Satisfied Customers All Over the Globe,  In Countries from Australia to Canada?

Simply put Binaural Frequency Harmonics are powerful tools that enhance your brain and thought processes. Let's start with the granddaddy of them all-Manifestation. "The Secret" sounds simple enough. Positive energy attracts positive returns, and negative energy attracts negative returns. Without even realizing it, many of us are drawing negative circumstances into our lives because we are trapped in negative thought patterns that produce negative energy. IF ONLY it would be so easy to just engage in positive thinking and get what we want. If only there was a tool to help manifest what we wanted. Well it turns out that there is. Binaural Frequency Harmonics-an auditory tool that helps with meditative states-may be just what you're looking for. Here's why.

It's because Binaural Frequency Harmonics are producing results for real people throughout the world. Using easy step-by-step training methods, simple enough for almost anyone to follow-people are getting results. Finely tuned sine waves transmitted to the ears combine to cause a shift in consciousness. In this new state, the brain weeds out the kind of interference that comes with negative thinking. 

Here is what Evan had to say about the Binaural Frequency system:

" I ...just want to say, following your instructions it was easy to to get in the right state of mind and completely eliminate doubt and negative feelings. I don't have much experience with meditative states, but this was easy the very first time I used it, and far better than anything else I've tried."

Start the program and you're going to be surprised at what you find. You might expect some complicated system that you have to be a trained guru to follow-but you'd be wrong. Instead what you'll see is simple and almost immediately familiar. All you do is relax and listen to the recording. With in minutes, you will find yourself entering a highly relaxed state that's hard to really describe until you experience it for yourself. Relaxation increases as tension throughout the body lifts, enhancing positive feelings as your brain enters the high alpha state which allows you to focus on positive thoughts for manifestation without clutter or distraction. 

This simple tool, which helps your brain operate at maximum capacity, is just one of the gems found at the Unexplainable Store, a treasure trove of auditory meditation tools. With instructions written in plain, easy to understand language-making it accessible to people of every level of experience and skill-you'll find just a tool for just about any meditative state or purpose you seek. Using fundamental principles honed on years of experience, the folks at the Unexplainable Store have developed a meditative system that can be applied to just about anything:

  • Help with sleep problems
  • Astral projection
  • Meditation
  • Christ concsiousness
  • Past life regression
  • Remote viewing
  • Chakra tuning
  • Aura viewing
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Hypnosis
  • Relaxation
  • Weight loss
  • Telepathy
Each product uses different frequencies designed for specific purposes. The frequencies unlock your brains power and reveal capabilities you didn't even know you had and make it easy for anyone to enter altered states of consciousness. 

One of the most powerful modules in the course is the Telepathy module. Telepathy is the ability to read and transmit thoughts without the use of words or direct physical contact. Everyone has the power to develop telepathic skills, but most of us haven't developed them or don't know how to tap into them. 

It is said that Dolphins communicate Telepathically and exhibit supernatural abilities. Humans have the exact same powers, we just have to learn how to use it. Telepathic abilities are directly dependent on brain functions and frequencies. Studies have shown that an exact frequency within the Alpha state produced a high level of success in developing Telepathic skills. The Binaural Frequency Harmonic recordings from the Unexplainable Store are going to put you in that Alpha state so that you can enhance your telepathic abilities. This works because the recording puts you into a relaxation state that frees your mind from blinding preconceived notions preventing you from tapping into your telepathic abilities. Simply put, when a person forgets what they learned previously, can they develop Telepathic Abilities.

If there is any drawback with these tools, its that there is so much information that at times it can be a little overwhelming. For those that are looking for a "one size fits all" style tool on meditation or altered states, the course might seem a little intimidating at first. But the good news is that first off, the tools are broken down into 24 easy to use modules. You can get only the modules you need, perhaps starting with meditation. By focusing on each module at a time, users can build confidence and start to see results right away. Users will feel confident and assured that it will be worth the effort because this will literally be the last tool they will have to buy on meditation, altered brain states and manifestation. 

Who will benefit most from the tools at the Unexplainable Store?

In the broadest sense, anyone who wants to achieve a shift in consciousness will benefit. These techniques can be applied to any person, no matter what their experience level, problems they have, or what their disposition. More fundamentally, anyone who is open and who wants to take advantage of these tools to enter relaxed, meditative states will benefit. 

Visit the Unexplainable Store for more information. 

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Precognition often happens in subtle ways. By raising awareness, you'll start to notice clues that contained within them information about the future. This often happens in the dream state. 

A few days ago, I had a dream about an old friend named Johnny. I haven't seen him in 15 years, but he played a prominent role in a dream that involved me helping him put a bicycle together. The bicycle was yellow. 

I thought nothing of that dream, but that afternoon I got a phone call from a woman whose daughter has been looking for a job. I asked how the job search was going, and she reported that her daughter had probably landed a job at a gym called "Sports and Wellness". Then the woman, who had recently taken a job out of town, asked me to pick up her bicycle for her.

Well it turns out her bicycle was yellow. Not only that, but my friend Johnny-the one I had dreamed about the night before-was a manager at this gym "Sports and Wellness". The same gym where the woman's daughter was getting a job.

Precognition often works in this way, with subtle clues that were in the dream. My belief is that this is a result of information flowing backwards in time through some type of quantum physics effect. 

But interpreting a dream ahead of time is difficult. Precognition in this way gave some clues, but it would have been hard if not impossible to make the leap from dreaming about a friend that worked at "Sports and Wellness"that someone I knew would get a job there. The color of his bicycle was a clue that indicated who the dream was about, but it wasn't enough information to draw conclusions. 

Each morning when you wake up, write down your dreams in a notebook. You might be surprised what clues are in there. A question: do you think by practicing and raising your awareness of precognition in dreams, that your abilities might improve? 

Friday, February 27, 2009

Synchronicity: An interview with the Paraexplorers

Recently the ParaExplorers appeared on Coast to Coast AM for a fascinating discussion about synchronicity, 11:11 and other fascinating topics. I had the pleasure of discussing some of these things in an email "interview" which I am sharing below. 

1) What are "synchronicities" and does everyone experience them?

According to Wikipedia, synchronicity can be defined as “the experience of two or more events which are causally unrelated occurring together in a supposedly meaningful manner. In order to count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance.”

Carl Jung, the originator of the concept, believed there to be an acausal principle linking events with related meaning simply by their coincidence in time, rather than serially. Jung believed that there was a synchrony connecting the human mind and ones perceptions. While many people may consider synchronistic events to be random chance or coincidence, it is important to recognize that it reveals an underlying pattern – one that is all encompassing, and larger in scope than all of us. Synchronicities seem to transcend all barriers – age, belief system, sex, and race.

Throughout ones life, it is quite possible that one will experience this phenomenon at least once. Most of us have these happen very frequently, but we don’t always take notice, which is the biggest hindrance to really benefiting from what they might be pointing us towards, i.e. new opportunities, the right people we need to meet, etc.

2) Would you call a telepathic experience a type of synchronicity, oris this something else? Here is a specific example. I once had a dream that my uncle was very ill, and the next morning awoke to find that he had suffered a stroke. Is that an example of a synchronicity?

Since telepathy is traditionally believed to be an “apparent communication from one mind to another without using sensory perceptions” and synchronicity involves the concepts of both perception and time, it would certainly not be beyond the realm of possibility to suppose that your particular example could very well be an example of a synchronistic event.

As we are discovering, what we have traditionally believed to be our reality is actually far more complex than our simple senses are capable of fully interpreting.

Another possibility, however, is one in which quantum physics may suggest a more comprehensive explanation. Physicist David Bohm’s implicate order proposes that mind and matter are simply projections into our explicate order from the underlying reality of the implicate order. Accordingly, mind and matter are seen as projections into our explicate order from the underlying reality of the implicate order.

This is a new (and still fairly controversial) theory of the universe that proposes the possibility that there is a fundamental level where consciousness is not distinct from matter, and there exists a connective relationship between mind and matter. Basically, Bohm’s theory seeks to connect everything with everything else.

Several analogies abound between his theory and Alain Aspects holographic universe theorem. During controlled scientific experiments, Aspect and his team of researchers discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles were able to instantly communicate with each other regardless of the physical distance that might separate them. Whether 1inch or 100 light years away – somehow everything is connected.

In your fictional example, is it possible that perhaps the knowledge of the stroke was actually communicated by our seeming “connectedness” with one another? Is what we have traditionally referred to as “telepathy” simply a natural process of communication via the multidimensional reality of our universe?

3) What role does meaning play in the universe? In other words, a scientist would say "11:11" only has meaning to humans. But do concepts like this have a larger meaning?

What a philosophical conundrum! What role does meaning play in the universe? Certainly, meaning plays a particularly important function to humans. By our very nature, we tend to focus on our personal “purpose” and “meaning” in life. We have a propensity to concentrate all of our energy towards the end result of our lives – our professional accomplishments, social standing, monetary worth, etc.

But why do we seem so intent on wondering what impact these surface issues will impress upon mankind during our relatively short span of life? More importantly, are we alone in pondering these matters? Are rocks, plants, birds, and mice likewise capable of reflecting upon their station in the universe? Or, as many believe does consciousness perhaps play a crucial role? Is the need to assign meaning simply a construct of conscious thought?

Regardless, it is important that we focus upon the journey itself, rather than solely the destination. And we must remember as well that sometimes events occur that have a collective meaning, rather than a personal one. Those events are what change paradigms and shift consciousness and move the entire human race in a different direction, as 9-11 did. At least for awhile!

4) Phenomena like telepathy and synchronicity kind of have a feel like information coming from the future or past. Do you believe that knowledge can flow from the future?

Yes, and quantum and theoretical physics certainly backs this up. Linear time is a construct of the human brain. We write about the Zero Point Field, which we refer to more as a Grid, a structure of different levels of reality that includes the entire landscape of past, present and future. This parallels the Akashic Fields of Edgar Cayce, and the morphic fields of Rupert Sheldrake, but the Zero Point Field is itself described as the source of all sources – a repository of all energy, matter and form. If all the information of the past and future lies within this field, we certainly could be finding ways to access it. Consider the Universe one big hard drive, and some of us are far more adept at computer skills than others!

People who read the future or remote view, therefore, are accessing information within this Field. Again, it is probably something we can all do, but few of us take the time to pay attention to these skills, and actively develop them.

5) Can a person develop higher awareness and their own skills in ESP and telepathy? How would you advise a person to become more aware of synchronicities?

Two words – pay attention. It is as simple as that. Quieting the brain and the monkey mind enough to take notice of what is going on in the present moment is the only way to really begin to see that we are constantly being exposed to information in the form of telepathy and synchronicity, but if we are completely focused on the information we think we need to survive, we will never notice the “other” stuff. Our brains take in very little of the actual information flowing to us, by the very nature of survival. We operate on a “need-to-know” basis, only seeing and perceiving that which helps us live the life in front of us – jobs, money, kids, family, etc.

Slowing down enough to pay attention is key. But so is stepping back from technology and shutting off the cell phone, the iPod, the MP3 player, the Blackberry and Facebook long enough to get in tune with what our intuition is trying to tell us, as well as with those more subtle events that constantly occur just under our radar.

Pay attention. And whether that be by meditation, walking, reading, taking ten minutes a day to shut out the world, or just reminding oneself to stay present, it all works to increase awareness to the other information out there that actually may be more important to us than what we should have for dinner that night.

6) How can a person apply synchronicity in their personal life?

It obviously is trying to alert us to something, so first taking notice of the two or more synchronistic events and seeing if they lead to some breakthrough or to an opportunity one has been waiting for. Sometimes, we don’t know why a synchronicity occurred until much later, when all is revealed and we realize we met our soul mate, got our dream job, or saved our own life because of it. But often the meaning is clear right then and there.

Taking notice, finding the meaning, or at the very least being patient enough to let the meaning unfold…but also, not ignoring these events. Not being lazy and sweeping them under the rug. It does no one any good to have a synchronistic event if they just blow it off and miss the message or opportunity in the event. Perhaps this is why so many people are unhappy. They don’t follow the signs that these events are, guideposts along the way to keep people on the path to their destiny. Ignore the signs, and you might never realize your full potential. That is tragic. These are SIGNS. Follow them and they will no doubt lead to the fulfillment of dreams, big and small.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Harry Dent on Coast to Coast AM

Harry Dent was on Coast to Coast with George Noory tonight, lamenting the terrible state of the economy. Mr Dent just published a book: The Great Depression Ahead: How to Prosper in the Crash Following the Greatest Boom in History. Mr. Dent gave a convincing argument-stating several times about how "we have been predicting" the real estate, banking, and economic crashes that have been happening. Not only that, but Mr. Dent's firm can predict boom and bust cycles all the way out to 2036. Its easy you see, Mr. Dent is a demographer and you just apply demographics to figure out what's going to happen. Don't listen to what any economists have to say. Dent says the economy will rebound a bit in the summer, and then there'll be another stock market crash. 

We're all interested in the economy these days, so I followed the discussion with apt attention. 

After it was over I was curious. I looked up Mr. Dent on Amazon, and found his previous book: The Next Great Bubble Boom: How to Profit from the Greatest Boom in History: 2006-2010. 

Ooops. Looks like Dent's previous proclamations aren't as accurate as he claimed on Coast to Coast. I think this review says all you need to know about Mr. Dent's ability to give economic forecasts:

"Page 73 of this book reads "Our best projection for the Nasdaq is about 13,000 around the end of this decade (2010), but it is possible we could see as high as 20,000." Let's see, the Nasdaq made its way up to 2861 by Oct. 31, 2007 and now sits at 1316 as of Nov. 21, 2008. Now today, I see this guy on TV saying he predicted the current market meltdown and has written a new book due out in Jan. 2009 entitled "The Great Depression Ahead". What a joke."