Lazar sounds incredibly competent, but there has to be some suspicion he's a fraud. For one, skeptics haven't been able to dig up any information that Lazar actually attended Cal Tech. At one point there were rumors that the CIA "erased" his past there, in what sounds to me like a silly attempt to explain his fake story. Did Lazar make it up, that he went to Cal Tech, thinking nobody would check into it?
After attending these stellar schools, Lazar ended up getting a job at the highly secretive Los Alamos national laboratories. According to the interview, he got the job after meeting acclaimed hydrogen bomb inventor Edward Teller. Lazar had a hobby at the time, making jet powered cars (with 22,000 HP-pretty impressive) and Teller happened to read about it before meeting Lazar in person.
From there Lazar went to work at Area 51. He says he got his checks from the office of Naval Intelligence. Has anyone reading this ever worked for the government as a contractor? Individual employees don't typically get paid by the customer. The company E G & G was mentioned in the interview, presumably Lazar worked for them. The way it works is if Naval Intelligence was sponsoring some kind of research, they would pay the facility (Area 51 in this case) who would in turn pay E G & G, who would in turn pay Lazar. I could be wrong but this part of the story doesn't add up.
Lazar has recently moved to New Mexico and maintains his own website. At one point, Lazar actually ran into some minor problems with the law, but now details the layout and operations at Area 51, including the proposal that alien spacecraft use "Element 115" for propulsion. He talks about Gravity A and B waves, but nobody I know who's studied physics can say what those are. Element 115 is a synthetic element that goes by the strange name (on earth) of Ununpentium. The most stable isotope of element 115 known has a half-life of 87 milliseconds! That makes it a strange choice for the "triangles" Lazar describes. Element 115 would not last very long if you manufactured something out of it.
Well I'd like to find out Lazar's story is true to the last detail. But right now, I'm having a hard time swallowing his UFO story. Watch the interviews and judge for yourself.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 1:
Part 2:
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