Monday, February 2, 2009

The Power of Belief and the Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. Ever wonder why some people are blessed with endless abundance? Or why for others, no matter how hard they work things just never work out for them? Although we may not realize it, our expectations connect with the universe and set the stage for events that happen to us. That isn't to say things that happen are always your own fault, but if you put out negative energy, you're going to attract more of it.

Although it starts with positive or negative thinking-what we're talking about here goes way beyond that. We're talking about our energy vibrations and how they line up with universal frequencies. If you expect things not to work out, you're sending out negative vibes that tune in with negative energies in the universe. The result? Self-fulfilling prophecy. We've always had friends who always seem to be getting into trouble-whether its financial, relationship problems or whatever-they expect it and it comes to them. 

We're all plagued by this type of negative thinking. Part of being a success in life is replacing this with positive vibes. Ask the universe and it will come. Is it that easy? No but you can learn to rid yourself of limiting beliefs through meditation and visualization. Its going to take hard work. Let's say you want to improve your financial situation. Its way too easy to worry about bills. How am I going to pay the mortgage? Is there enough money for a down payment on that car I want? These are natural worries and you're mind is no doubt cluttered with concerns like these. But these worries have negative vibrations. By spending energy on them, you attract negativity to your life. 

Instead, visualize the positive. Pick a quiet time where you can let your mind wander into a new world, like when drifting off to sleep at night. Start with a new car, and don't worry about where its going to come from or how you're going to pay for it. Instead see it in your mind-down to the last detail. See the color shimmering in the sunlight. Imagine how the car smells when you sit inside it. See yourself driving it. Do this repeatedly without worrying about getting a loan or how to pay for it. You will be surprised how over time, the energy transforms and you end up with what you want. 

Limiting beliefs can hold us back, but we can learn techniques to rid ourselves of negative energy and instead attract the positive. 

Learn more about ridding yourself of limiting beliefs: Click Here

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